Note to the viewer:
The following was first published in October, 2014 as an updated "About Us" in
In 2016, due to the bankrupsy of our template provider we had to reconstruct new template that would be able to take applications, extentions and plugin in's updates. We had not been able since then to overcome some tecnical difficulties one of which would have been a cell phone app that would have redefined functionality, marketing and organization of Geitonia Mas as an updated version of the core principals that Geitonia Mas stands for. Below content was orginally published in an app that would have been much more user friendly and is stripped of photo's etc.
The company has been "frozen" for now.
Feel free to comment below.
Key words: non-profit, crowd funding tool, social entrepreneurship, social capital, social cohesion, social media network, interactive with real life, make a positive return to society your purpose and have fun.
Geitonia Mas is Greek Forf"Our Neighborhood"
♦is a non-profit independent and non-aligned open- system social network company. It is unique site.
♦provides the services to a community as a crowd-funding tool.
♦publishes on-line income and expense accounts for transparency and to those who wish to keep up with the economic developments of the company in an open system.
♦funds are exclusively from private/corporate sources such as on-line advertisement, corporate and private donations, etc. We wish no funding from government or European package funds.
In short
As a crowd-funding tool for a neighborhood,
profits from the sale of the site’s
on-line advertising are distributed
between active neighborhoods’
on-line coffers. In return, the coffers
serve to microfinance neighborhood's
winning ideas.
Still fewer words:
We sell ads, make money. Money goes to good causes.
And you have fun!
Change the world! Simplε!!
We are here to help you make a positive return to society by helping your purpose.
Our mission is to strive to make Social entrepreneurship more engaging, easy, quick and fun. Here is a nice excerpt on Social Entrepreneurship from Wikipedia:
"… is the process of pursuing innovative solutions to social problems. More specifically, social entrepreneurs adopt a mission to create and sustain social value. They draw upon appropriate thinking in both the business and nonprofit worlds and operate in a variety of organizations: large and small; new and old; religious and secular; nonprofit, for-profit, and hybrid. Business entrepreneurs typically measure performance in profit and return, but social entrepreneurs also take into account a positive return to society. Social entrepreneurship typically furthers broad social, cultural, and environmental goals and is commonly associated with the voluntary and not-for-profit sectors.[2] Profit can at times also be a consideration for certain companies or other social enterprises." Source
Unlike all social entrepreneurs, Geitonia Mas is not seeking for investors or stakeholders. We do not seek funding from government or European packages. We do this in order to avoid any misunderstandings about what our purpose is. Such misunderstandings would only breed mistrust, and in turn, shake credibility, cohesion and free expression to all involved.
A. We wish to remain independent and non-aligned as a buffer zone and a safety net for society, policymakers, and the private sector.
B. We sell ads and net profits (we do have expenses that should be accounted for) go to the neighborhoods.
C. We do accept donations, however very little attention is given to generating a donation fund-raising strategy. We prefer services offered on behalf or "Geitonia Mas" such as article translations, computer program maintenance, posting and crowdsourcing for either advertisers or new members.
D. Though our advertising services are for large and small companies, we target on supporting the efforts of small and localized businesses with an inexpensive advertising.....(for more info- Marketing Department- but, please continue with About us).
An example of active neighborhood-visit Eastside Marousi.
Hey, you came to the right neighborhood. This is for everyone. And we need everyone!
You say you have no purpose? of those....But, no problem..You came to the right
place!!! Read a bit further down.
You say you have no time. Oh...but no problem. This is internet and it is easy. Everything is quick here. If you have 5-10 minutes a day, a week or even a month...Fine, we will start you off.. just read a bit further down.
You say you have no money? No problem. We have just the right activity for you. “Geitonia Mas” was designed to encompass the principals of empowerment, enhance awareness and engagement of one’s community to make problem solving more transparent, quick, efficient and fun. Hint: it is not an issue of money; it is an issue of good will. Now...Now...We will get to everthing...just a bit further down.
But, you should first have this in mind:
Geitonia Mas has a 2-way funding system that awards a winning idea either by
1. Polls for major neighborhood projects
It is up to each community or neighborhood to decide what they consider to be "major". This is grassroots democracy in action. The Neighborhood Management panel is equipped with blogs and forums and a special tool for project presentations. Everyone has a voice. As an example of a major cause: the neighborhood high school idea competes with the elementary school. 40% of the coffer's revenues' goes towards a major cause.

2. Kenos social unit system
Kenos social unit system is for smaller projects in the neighborhood or national/global projects that lack the voting volume in a neighborhood. Kenos (comes from Greek word for social) social units are points won by user engagement by a variety of on-line activities. User/friend keeps track of amount of kenos by logging onto their profile. Points and awards icons are posted on profile accounts. At the end of an economic cycle, user distributes the kenos that they have managed to have accumulate for that period of time to an idea of their choice- PTA’s , charity funding or any idea that is posted in their neighborhood or to global and national causes listed on front page management panel.). For an example, it is hard for a kindergarten project to compete with an elementary school or a high school due to voter volume. 60% of the coffer's revenues' go towards Kenos.
Geitonia Mas: Interactive with real life
For both systems, we request that advertisers be present to hand out awards at award winning ceremonies on behalf of "Geitonia Mas"-the crowd-funding tool. It is a good public relations event for both small and large business and demonstrates accountability from a neighborhood towards their sponsers.
Continue reading to
"YOU Say.."

You say you did not read anything of the above and your eye caught this sentence. Okay, no problem. Just stay in touch with us by clicking onto the site. Better yet, sign up for the newsletter. Take your time to figure things out, but try keep in touch with us on a daily basis.
You say you like the sound of things, but you still wish to figure things out . Okay. No problem. Open a profile account and bring some friends along. Show your face to "Our Neighborhood". Use your profile page here in "Geitonia Mas" to keep in touch with your friends on Facebook. We are a good hangout. In the mean time, you will be acquiring Kenos and once you figured out everything, you will be ready to participate in a more active manner. And more important, just your visits will bring our ratings up, which will help us increase our revenue to be put towards a good cause.
You say this is the most smartest and most positve thing you have heard in a long time! Ahhh, shucks... good for you. Thanks. We think so too! Now dig in.
Check out the Marketing (with sub-catagories) and Human Resource Departments in this section, open up a profile account and start rolling up your sleeves!
Footnote: Please note! "Geitonia Mas" is a one of its kind site and still is a work in progress (and most likely, and like human nature, it probably always be a work in progress). We are counting on your input-output and feedback to help us grow into something that everyone will be proud to be a part of.
Welcome to "Our Neighborhood" Hail Humanity-Hail Democracy!
Take a quick glance at the services we offer for each of our four catagories.
Visitors …can freely participate in 1800 forums, more than 500 informative neighborhood, personal interest and social issues blogs. |
Friends and Users ..who open a profile page account at "Geitonia Mas" are ♦ free to open new forum threads ♦ open their own blog in their own neighborhood ♦ volunteer to become coordinators or volunteers for either social or personal interest catagories (for example-pets, handicrafts) ♦ announce neighborhood events. Profile page users could keep in touch with their friends on Facebook through their "Geitonia Mas" profile page. Chat, meeting boxes and games are schedluled to be introduced in the coming future. |
Coordinators, Mentors and Volunteers
...have special access to either Front page Board of Directors Manegement Panel for "Geitonia Mas" as a non-profit company or Neighborhood Manegement Panels with ♦ blogs ♦ group e-mails ♦ forums ♦ expense income accounts program ♦polls. Each neighborhood is provided with its own manegement panel which include •classifieds •neighborhood business directory •neighborhood project management •income and expenses. Kindly note: we also provide project manegement panels for groups such as Parents School Associations.
A wide variety of marketing and public relations tools and specila price package incentives are offered to our advertisers. ♦Vouchers, Coupons, Deals ♦ Business Directories ♦ Classifieds ♦ Customised Ad Requests for specific articles or groups. Profile pages and business directories include trophy icons. Please note: Business are free to open up profile page, but only paying businesses have trophy icons posted on their wall.
Company and Contact info, Geitonia Mas Milestones and other facts
Anastasia G. Christakos & Co.
Non-Profit Company and Social Network Site
VAT# 997788623
Contact info
Dafnis 37
Maroussi, 151-26
Athens, Greece
Telephone and Fax#: +210-80-50-244
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Founder and Administrator of "Geitonia Mas"
Anastasia Christakos Gritzalis
Greek-American and a dyslexic.
Neighborhood bookstore owner in Eastside Marousi since 1988.
BA in History and Philosophy.
Married to George Gritzalis in 1983 and mother of Maria Anais Gritzalis
Independent researcher
Founding of "Geitonia Mas"
The idea of "Geitonia Mas" was conceived in January of 2009. It was during that time that Anastasia began to learn how use the internet.
After one year, a handful of people met to discuss the content of the site.
In the summer of 2010 and after many false starts, the company’s charter was drafted and was registered. The site aired that September.
Much confusion was brought about the nature of the site because of the lack in design and functionality. See old site at .
Site was done anew and restructured in summer of 2014 with the help of two volunteer web masters Zoe Spathi and Korina Vailia.
“Geitonia Mas” was up and running by mid-September,2013.! It's a start-up again
Because of the time lapse between being off-line and re-airing of Geitonia Mas” had to be managed as a startup from the start all over again.
It was to be expected from a new system that many tweaks and quirks would appear when more than 40 programs, many, many modules, 1880 forums, more than 350 blogs are running simultaneously.
But worse, "Geitonia Mas" had to reestablish past relationships and ties with viewers and users.
Presentations & Recognition of "Geitonia Mas"
University of Athens Presentation:
Presentation of "Geitonia Mas" at Dr. Dimitri Gouskos’s postgraduate class for the Kapadostriako School of Communications and New Technologies of the University of Athens.
October, 2013
Presentation for the EUTIC In Waterford,Ireland
"Geitonia Mas" presented as on-going study: The Changing Nature of Community and Social Engagement through ICT Case Author: Christakos Anastasia Co-Author: Rentzeperis Dionysis to EUTIC 2013 IX International Symposium held at Waterford, Ireland.
The presentation was more of an introductory to our research. However, for it to be fully completed with substantial amount of data points to support our arguments and to complete our studies, it will take more time in the coming. We are still in alpha stage.
Sam Harris and “Lying”
In August of 2012, world-renowned philosopher and neuroscientist Sam Harris offered the rights to the "Our Neighborhood" for the Greek translation of the work of “Lying”
It was a very generous and touching gesture on his behalf and one which we will always think of dearly. Many thanks to our volunteer translator, Photini Alabala who did a great job translating Mr. Harris work from English to Greek
The System Works
Eastside Marousi is the neighborhood used as a petri dish experiment. This means all efforts concentrate on one neighborhood to see the advantages and disadvantages in the system.
In May of2012, the first award winning ceremony was was a big success. One middle school and one elementary competed in polls for the award. However, it was observed that smaller groups were at a disadvantage to compete. Therefore, to insure increasing participation and a more equal opportunity system for smaller groups, the decision was taken for a soon as possible restructuring of the site.
Marketing and other activities were placed on the backburner till the new sites was up and running.
Currently, Geitonia Mas has been averaging 22,000 visitations per month “Geitonia Mas” runs on a joomla system with more than 450 licensed plugins, modules, etc. 1880 forums, and more than 350 blogs.
With most of the tweaks out of the way in the new system that constantly emerged, the time has come for a more aggressive marketing campaign.
And yet we are taxed
The Greek crisis measures include taxing non-profits companies.
We are charged the flat tax of 500 € per year regardless of profits.
We also pay 26% taxes from the profit and 23% VAT from the sale of ads
CLICK HERE-About Us: Articles, Minutes and Forum
"About Us" Blog: Minutes and Articles
| Forum |

You have more questions? Post them in the About Us Forum!

Visitors …can freely participate in 1800 forums, more than 500 informative neighborhood, personal interest and social issues blogs.
Friends and Users
Visitors …can freely participate in 1800 forums, more than 500 informative neighborhood, personal interest and social issues blogs.
Friends and Users ..who open a profile page account at "Geitonia Mas" are
- free to open new forum threads
- open their own blog in their own neighborhood
- volunteer to become coordinators or volunteers for either social or personal interest categories(for example-pets, handicrafts)
- announce neighborhood events
- participate in their neighborhood polling for the"major neighborhood cause"
- allocate their accumulated Kenos to the causes of their choice
Profile page users could keep in touch with their friends on Facebook through their "Geitonia Mas" profile page. Chat, meeting boxes and games are schedluled to be introduced in the coming future.
Coordinators, Mentors and Volunteers
Coordinators, Mentors & Volunteers
...have special access to either Front page Board of Directors Management Panel for "Geitonia Mas" as a non-profit company or Neighborhood Management Panels with: ♦ blogs ♦ group e-mails ♦ forums ♦ Project Manager program ♦polls.
Each neighborhood is provided with its own management panel which includes: •classifieds •neighborhood business directory •neighborhood project management •income and expenses. Kindly note: we also provide project management panels for groups such as Parents School Associations
A wide variety of marketing and public relations tools and special price package incentives are offered to our advertisers. To mention a few: ♦Vouchers, Coupons, Deals ♦ Business Directories ♦ Business Gifts Plus ♦ Customized Ad Requests for specific articles or groups.; Profile pages and business directories include trophy icons. Please note: Business are free to open up profile page, but only paying businesses have trophy icons posted on their wall.
"Geitonia Mas"
Anastasia G. Christakos & Co.
Non-Profit Company and Social Network Site
VAT# 997788623
Contact Info

Contact info
Dafnis 37
Maroussi, 151-26
Athens, Greece
Telephone and Fax#: +30-210-80-50-244
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Founder & Administrator of "Geitonia Mas"
Founder & Administrator of "Geitonia Mas"
Anastasia Christakos Gritzalis
Greek-American and a dyslexic.
Neighborhood bookstore owner in Eastside Marousi since 1988 till present.
BA in History and Philosophy.
Married to George Gritzalis in 1983 and mother of Maria Anais Gritzalis
Independent researcher
Founding Story of "Geiontia Mas"
Founding of "Geitonia Mas"
The idea of "Geitonia Mas" was conceived in January of 2009. It was during that time that Anastasia began to learn how use the internet.
After one year, a handful of people met to discuss the content of the site.
In the summer of 2010 and after many false starts, the company’s charter was drafted and was registered. The site aired that September.
Much confusion was brought about the nature of the site because of the lack in design and functionality. See old site at .
Site was done anew and restructured in summer of 2013 with the help of two volunteer web masters Zoe Spathi and Korina Vailia.
“Geitonia Mas” was up and running by mid-September,2013.! It's a start-up again
Because of the time lapse between being off-line and re-airing of Geitonia Mas” had to be managed as a startup from the start all over again.
It was to be expected from a new system that many tweaks and quirks would appear when more than 40 programs, many, many modules, 1880 forums, more than 350 blogs are running simultaneously.
But worse, "Geitonia Mas" had to reestablish past relationships and ties with viewers and users.
Presentations & Recognition of "Geitonia Mas"
Presentations & Recognition of "Geitonia Mas"
University of Athens Presentation:
Presentation of "Geitonia Mas" at Dr. Dimitri Gouskos’s postgraduate class for the Kapadostriako School of Communications and New Technologies of the University of Athens.
October, 2013
Presentation for the EUTIC In Waterford,Ireland
"Geitonia Mas" presented as on-going study: The Changing Nature of Community and Social Engagement through ICT Case Author: Christakos Anastasia Co-Author: Rentzeperis Dionysis to EUTIC 2013 IX International Symposium held at Waterford, Ireland.
The presentation was more of an introduction to our research. However, for it to be fully completed with substantial amount of data points to support our arguments, it will take more time in the coming. We are still in alpha stage.
Sam Harris and “Lying”
In August of 2012, world-renowned philosopher and neuroscientist Sam Harris offered the rights to the "Our Neighborhood" for the Greek translation of the work of “Lying”
It was a very generous and touching gesture on his behalf and one which we will always think of dearly. Many thanks to our volunteer translator, Photini Alabala who did a great job in translating Mr. Harris' work from English to Greek
The System Works!
The System Works
Eastside Marousi is the neighborhood used as a petri dish experiment. This means all efforts were concentrated on one neighborhood to see the advantages and disadvantages of the system.
On May of 2012, the first award winning ceremony was was a big success. One middle school and one elementary competed in polls for the award. However, it was observed that smaller groups were at a disadvantage to compete. Therefore, to insure increasing participation and a more equal opportunity system for smaller groups, the decision was taken for a soon as possible restructuring of the site which would include the "2-way system" (refer to "About Us"). Marketing and other activities were placed on the back-burner till the new site was up and running.
Currently, Geitonia Mas has been averaging 22,000 visitations per month “Geitonia Mas” runs on a joomla system with more than 450 licensed plugins, modules,1880 forums, and more than 350 blogs.
With most of the tweaks of the new site's program out of the way, the time has come for a more aggressive marketing campaign.
And yet we are taxed
And yet we are taxed
The Greek crisis measures include taxing non-profit companies.
• We are charged the flat tax of 500 € per year regardless of profits.
• We also pay 26% taxes from the profit and 23% VAT from the sale of ads.
And Welcome to the
♦ If you just have happened to have clicked here first, kindly go to the "About Us" section and read the quick overview.
♦If you wish to advertise, kindly click to Advertising Catagory Section.
If none of the above, please continue. Feel free to browse anything.
Board of Directors:
You are invited to chair a department of your liking at any time whenever you are able to. We work in an open system environment. There are no timetables or limits.
This is no game simulation- this is for real.
Why spare the time?
Whether you are a highly skilled professional, just getting started in a business career or either your present career has no relevance at all with business, see this as an opportunity, a new experiance and challenge to engage your skills in an inovative, creative, open system environment.
You may have only 5 minutes in day, a week or a month or a whole day to spare, that is up to you.
To get started, just open a profile account and come back to this page. Then, choose one or all areas of interest that you would like to get involved and participate. To make it more fun and engaging invite your friends or boss to get involved too.
And last, (needs inspirational and good cause sentence here, refer to forum, open a thread and post your idea...welcome on board).
Major Departments and management tools are:
- Marketing, advertising and public relations have blogs.
- Idea section for brain storming has polls and blog.
- Development section for projects & strategies has Project Manager and blog.
- Accounting-Revenue and Expenses section: Revenues and Expense Manager and blog.
- Forums (Business, Marketing, Ideas, Developments, Accounting) for queries, remarks, suggestions and back room discussions.
- Human resource and Staff section- Volunteers, Mentors, Coordinators and Staff (Is a department of its own- but is also part of the Board of Directors)
- Group e-mailing available for each section.
For the record:
Request to become a volunteer, mentor or coordinator and we will post your profile in the associates section located in Human Resourses. You will have something to show when you mention your activities in Geitonia Mas in your resume as work experience in an innovative environment.
Marketing & Sales Department-Ooups!
And Welcome to the Marketing Department
If you wish to advertise with us, kindly choose one of the following categories which suits you and follow instructions.
1. You just want to advertise because you found out we are really cheap. (Thank-you, we truly are.) Skip this page and go to Advertising Department. Please note you will miss out on a lot of new and innovative ideas in advetising that are needed in these competive and demanding times to keep ahead. Refer to article titled "We Fill the Market Gaps in Advertising".
2. You want of advertise with us because we provide targeted (groups, issues, hobbies) and localized advertisement.(Thank-you. In your case, you may wish read all the articles in the Marketing Department which is for our marketers (cough...cough... you.. perhaps.. like to come abroad on the Board of Directors). So, browse this section or just proceed to the Advertising Department.
3. You want to advertise with us because you also wish, in your own way, to contribute and participate in the process of making a social impact in your community, neighborhood or all around ( one of us..grab a seat..hope it's comfortable....). Kindly continue reading everything, we have a lot to talk about and a lot to share.
Attention: Social Network Managers, Marketing staff in other fields of marketing, and anyone else who wishes to give it a try- take the challenge and you win with experience. Credit for task performances and results and medals will be given in Coordinator's, Mentors and Volunteers section. Use as job experience and referral on your next resume! Reminder: this is no game simulation, this is for real.
Some notes on the Benefacting Public Relations Participation Tool
Some Notes on the "benefacting public relations participation tool"
1) Geitonia Mas sells ads to crowd fund neighborhoods; therefore, Geitonia Mas is the benefactor of the cause. Geitonia Mas acknowledges that no such act could have been done without the help of their associates or colleagues: advertisers, volunteers, mentors and coordinators. "Geitonia Mas" asks from associates or colleagues to be present and represent "Geitonia Mas" at the real-life location ceremony awards.
2) Added value proposition: Provide an opportunity for advertiser with a "hands on management” facilitator of social values and principals and social capital by way of public relations in an active participation for social impact by providing solutions within their community as a member of society as a whole. This year we are offering an All-inclusive Advertising Campaign with Gift Plus Options to our advertisers as a tool to engage their customers to "Geitonia Mas"
3) Extra Kenos: a 5% -10% increase to Kenos accumulated on Profile will be granted to advertisers to give towards a cause or an idea of their choice. Hint: it would be smart of advertisers to propose and post ideas for the neighborhood or community in neighborhood panel. National cause or charity which involves many neighborhoods- special exception will be given to be posted in all neighborhoods with insigna of advertisers proposal and advertisers name and logo.
4. “Geitonia Mas” profile and neighborhood page structures place a shift from individual to an emphasis on group mentality and teamwork. Advertisers do not advertise to consumers, but rather to humans who consume to continue life’s processes. Whether just hanging out in the crowd or participating as a neighborhood or community problem-solver, individuals are empowered to making the choice of doing so. In other words, "reach out" and "reach in" are redefined in a new systemic- a total neighborhood platform for each neighborhood.
We Fill the Market Gaps in Advertising
We fill the market gaps in Advertising in the following areas:
1. Localization and target market groups: a neighborhood at a time.
2. A new platform in social (media) marketing that provides an all-inclusive one-stop internet-marketing plan for a business to advertise within a community or neighborhood. Unique Business Gift Plus advertising campaign and Sponsor a Whole Neighborhood Campaign (Mega Sponsor-Mega Deal) offered- click to see details in Advertising Department.
3. High Product Brand and/or Services Visibility: we have integrated your marketing campaign into a social entrepreneurship scheme that would insure you a constant high product brand/services visibility and exposure, without the aggressive and tiring for the counsumer Google remarketing tactics.
Other than the "benefacting public relations participation tool" other services offered by Geitonia Mas are the traditional banners, coupons, vouchers, deals and Facebook, Tweeter, Google and Pin Interest shout boxes are provided to convert advertisers' audience to Geitonia Mas.
Hint: the "analytics" for an advertiser is in the amount of profile conversions (either individuals or businesses) from other social media networks towards Geitonia Mas Profiles that the advertiser has accomplished. An advertiser draws attention to their business by drawing attention to profile conversions. This is a part of the "benefecting public relations tool" but other incentives such as bonuses and discounted advertisement packages are included.
Attention to Social Media Marktets, Human Resources, and Public Relations and Marketers : Take Advantage of Your New Job Description
Tip to all social media marketers, marketing and public relations: You can't depend on Facebook, LinkedIn and etc. forever as your engagement sources. To increase visibility and exposure to your clients product brands/services, add Geitonia Mas to your list of social media engagement networks ...
Geitonia Mas provides a new job description for you. As an example, visualize when the time comes and you will have to representyour company at an award winning ceremony (real life location) event (one of the "benefacting public relations participation tools"). You will be needed. "It comes with the job" takes on a whole new meaning here in “Geitonia Mas”.
Why would you care to add more responsibilities to your work load?
We live in a "shifting sands" age when it comes to the job market and opportunities. What educational degrees and know-how you might now possess may not apply at all in the future. To survive in this work enviorment, one must be agile enough to aquire new skills that are in demand. However, by taking control of your own job description, you will also take control and secure your own career. This makes it harder for someone else to fill in the job requirements that you yourself have defined and worked for.
Thank-you and we look forward to your remarks, suggestions and proposals in the forum.
"Geitonia Mas Non-Profit Company" has many aspirations for the future. We forsee that "Geitonia Mas" will have the potential to create and offer the following job opportunities posted in the Human Resources Department. Take a peek!
90 Jobs Will Be Needed Here at "Geitonia Mas"
90 Jobs Will Be Needed Here at "Geitonia Mas"
As the non-profit company grows, "Geitonia Mas" projects the following full time employment job positions/careers that will be needed here in "Geitonia Mas" for the secure, effective and successful management of the company. With each expansion of "Geitonia Mas" (national or international), so does the demand grow in a number of job positions.
The following list does not include secretarial, translating, accounting and other daily chore positions that will also be needed. Nor does this list include the journalistic careers, for we are in the developing stages of "something else in mind".
This is a list of internet careers that are already globally available, but "Geitonia Mas" will be redefining the job description and requirements (possibly renaming a few in the process) of these positions to suit the needs and purposes of the non-profit company.
Help "Geitonia Mas" reach its full potential and capacity as an employer.
Senior Management Positions
1. Chief Information Officers
2. Chief Technology Officer
3. MIS Directors/IT Directors
4. Marketing Managers
5. Advertising Sales Agents
6. Chief Marketing Officer
7. Web Strategist
8. Director, Internet Marketing & e-Retailing
9. VP, Director of Digital Strategy
10. Information Technology Strategy & Innovation, Assistant
11. Digital Strategy Manager
12. Strategy Director
13. Creative Director
14. Director of Digital Media
15. Director, Global E-Business Systems
16. Media Planning Director
Sales Positions
1. Online Ad Sales
2. Account Manager, Digital Media Sales
3. Internet Advertising Sales Specialist
4. Interactive Advertising Sales/Outside Sales
5. Business Development – Interactive Sales Exec
6. Account Executive – Online Advertising
7. Strategic Online Sales Specialist
8. Internet Media Sales
9. Online Ad Sales Rep
10. Digital Ad Sales Manager
Marketing Positions
1. New Media Communications Manager
2. SEO Director, New Media
3. Marketing Communications Strategist
4. Associate Strategy Director
5. Web & Email Designer
6. Traffic Coordinator
7 Online/Digital Media Planning Supervisor
8. Email Production Associate
9. Online Services Assistant Marketing Manager
10. Marketing Designer
Support Positions
1.Technical Customer Service Specialist
2. Interactive Media Designer
3.Graphic Designer
4. Online Advertising Editorial Policy Analyst
5. Entry Level Software Engineer
6. Senior User Experience Designer
7. IT Help Desk/Basic
8. Search Engine Optimizer
Research Positions
1. Senior Statistician/Data Mining Analyst
2. Applied Researcher
3. Data Mining Analyst
4. Research Statistician
5. Data Mining Developer
6. Data Mining Lead
7. Internet Researcher
8. Corporate Internet Researcher
9. Internet Researcher
10. Project Coordinator/Internet Research
Community Management Positions
1. Community Manager
2. Community Forum Manager
3. Membership Coordinator/Web Metrics Analyst
4. Manager – Online Customer Support & Communities
5. Community Support Manager
6. Online Community Manager
7. Community Moderation Manager
8. Community Manager – Web and Mobile Apps
9. Senior Community Manager
10. Community Strategist
11. Social Network Community Manager
12. Director of Online Strategy
13. Director of User Experience
14. Manager of Social Media Marketing
15. Online Community Manager
Content Management
1. Content Architect
2. Online Store Publishing Traffic Manager
3. Digital Media Editor
4. Senior Content Developer/Writer
5. Professional Blogger Job Description
6. Senior Associate Web Content Management
7. Content Manager
8. Digital Channel Editor
9. Freelance Web Producer
10. Interactive Specialist
11. Events officer
Webmaster Positions
1. Webmaster
2. Senior Webmaster
Web Developer Positions
1. Web Developer
2. Web Software Designer
3. Web Technologist
4. Web Project Manager
5. Front-end Web Developer
6. Senior Web Developer
Community Volunteers/Evangelists
1. Technical Evangelist
2. Community Evangelist
Marketing Department Blog and Forum
Marketing Department Blog
| Marketing Department Forum |

Remarks, ideas, questions? Post them in the Business & Economics Forum!

Welcome to the Project Development Department.
Welcome to the Project Development Department.
This is the place where we make ideas happen!
The Project Development Section is the section where we mold an idea into a detailed project plan in order to ensure the outcome and success of that idea.
If you have a bright idea for "Geitonia Mas" open a thread in the Forum below. Feel free to open as many threads/ideas as you wish. Engage your friends or associates in the discussion.
Ideas are proposed and polled in Project Development Forum, and then are placed in motion with the help of the Project Manager. Buttons for the Project Manager, Forum and Blog are located at the end of this article
In Project Manager, we define clear targets and goals . Our project manager has "it all" to help everyone to work out the process: check lists, milestones, time spans, costs and much more. All projects are open for public viewing. Keep in mind though, you must open a profile account and sign in to have a visual of the dashboard and all its functions. To post and update your project, click on button to contact us and ask for a Project Dashboard Functions' Access Code
♦There may be times that the person who came up with the winning idea in the forum, but actually has no clear cut idea on how to make their idea happen. Perhaps you are the only one who knows how to organize it as a project and make it happen? Do it, either by youself or invite friends over to help.
♦There may be times when two or three projects are posted and the need to prioritize and choose between which projects should continue and which is to be placed on the back burner. Tip: should your project be put in the back burner, use the Marketing forum and open a "back-room" discussion to argue your point.
♦There may be times... (sentence needs to be continued- open Development thread and post topic or idea in Forum for discussion).
Project Manager, Forum and Blog
Project Manager
| Ideas and Project Proposals Forum |

Good Ideas? Post them in the Forum!

Our Aims in Accounting
Geitonia Mas aims at transparency and accountability.
This is done for practical reasons: everyone should have a bearing on matters that count for the non-profit, their neighborhood and their causes. Also, so that the members of the Geitonia Mas Management board who contribute their time and efforts can discuss and plan feasible goals and targets in a variety of fields. Do we spend on marketing or do we hand out the profits to the neighborhoods?
In this section, the numbers talk. That is why we have provided an Income and Expense Acounts Manager(button below). The numbers define our limits and set our goals and targets.
Every invoice or donation is posted for the record. This provides an opportunity for the advertiser or donator an extra confirmation that their good intentions are formally acknowledged and accounted for.
Taxes and Greek Crisis Measures
The Greek crisis measures include taxing non-profits companies.
We are charged the flat tax of 500 € per year regardless of profits.
We also pay 26% taxes from the profit and 23% VAT from the sale of ads
One of the aspirations of Geitonia Mas is to have enough revenue to provide full time employment to a staff just to post invoices and donations all day! (oh.. yeah... and the expenses too).
Revenue and Expense Manger and Accounting Forum
Revenue and Expense Manager
| Forum |

Remarks, questions and discussion

Welcome to Human Resources
Do you have 5 to 15 minutes a day or week or a month to spare?
The "Neighborhood" program is designed for «on-line action- 24 hours a day."
This would be done in an open system with such attributes as transparency, enablement, empowerment, quick, easy and effectively.
Human resouce Department has two main priorities:
First: discuss the company's employment and staffing when accounts are provided and,
Second is to provide a platform for neighborhood coordinators, volunteers, mentors and Board of Directors to discuss and exchange views, opinions, experiances with problems and successes. Engagement tools provided are blog and forum buttons below.
The focus here is the goal of the "Our Neighborhood" to provide a platform and program facilities to everybody, especially to those who:
»have no time to go to the Parents Association meetings,
»have a cause for their neighborhood and have problems crowd-sourcing and crowd-funding the cause,
»to express their opinion and views in regards to his neighborhood or city,
»or even be to be informed on the issues that concern them.
Griddy issues and misunderstandings could be resolved on-line quicker and better. But more importantly, "Geitonia Mas" was designed to give everyone an added incentive to meet with one another for one reason or another in real time,
in a real environment,
at a neighborhood square,
the neighborhood corner store
or maybe around a kitchen table.
It is nice to meet people, once the griddy issues have been resolved on-line and more substantial matters in a friendly manner could be addressed.
♦How many good ideas have been lost because we did not have the time to attend meetings?
♦That we were not aware of the community efforts in our neighborhood?
♦That we did not even know such clubs, unions, societies, associations, charities or efforts even existed in our own neighborhood or city?
You cannot find, search or care for something, if you do not know that it exists.
Become a coordinator, mentor or volunteer for "Geitonia Mas" and get involved with your cause or purpose! See articles below.
Brief description of an active neighborhood

Brief description of an active neighborhood
The roles of the coordinators, mentors and volunteers could only be understood by first describing an active neighborhood.
A neighborhood is "activated", once a neighborhood coodinator is assigned to that neighborhood. Schools, clubs, etc. are added to the listings and provided with "mini blogs, forums, expenses and project mangers,etc. Neighborhoods that are activated have access to "Geitonia Mas" crowd-funding.
Just like the main front page, so does each neighborhoods' front pages have their own neighborhood management panel. These are the major categories that can be used by coodinator' as tools of assistance and engagement:
- About us –neighborhood description, forum and blog. In this section, ideas, proposals or suggestions for the management of Geitonia Mas are posted
- Economics and finances- expense manager and forum
- Ideas Section- it is here ideas are proposed to compete for neighborhood coffers. For an idea to get the next step towards a referendum, it must be accompanied by 10 comments from registered users in the Idea forum. At this stage, everyone can discuss the issues, put forward questions to ask for clarifications about the idea proposed. Idea may be need to be expanded and presented into a formal project to be campaigned. When all goes well, the idea passes into the next stage towards referendum or referred back to Development Section.
- Development Section- has project manager program with milestones, checklist, goals, etc. Must have profile account and be logged in to see dashboard. Only coordinator has password for use.
- Coordinators, Volunteers and Mentors Directory
Other sections included in panel:
- Business Directory
- Personals- Birth, Deaths, Achievements and everyday experiences
- Coupons, Deals and Vouchers
- A community or group into a platform that would provide the exchange of ideas, discussions, solutions…

A neighborhood must have a coordinator in order to be an active neighborhood.
Main responsibility is to keep track and oversee the “Major Idea” or the Kenos-social units ideas posted in the Idea and Development sections.
Whenever appropriate, Coordinator may need to meet with or verify in person, the person or parties involved with the posted “idea”.
Coordinator is free to take initiatives, organise and plan acitivities and on and off line engagement such as" organising neighborhood events or form and organize their own groups and meetings on behalf of "Geitonia Mas".
Tip- One of the best tools that Geitonia Mas has is Project Manager in the Development Section. for the convenience of the Coordinator is in Project manager in Development Section. Initiatives such as developing and managing a volunteer group for group projects to promote Geitonia Mas through an event or choosing to be present in a neighborhood event or cause are encouraged.
Yes, I want to be a coordinator! What do I do?
- Open the profile account in your neighborhood or region
- Contact us by e-mail with your request at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Label e-mail: Coordinator

A mentor can also be a coordinator. The difference is that mentor’s consul on strategy, or train volunteers and coordinators for the proper management of "Geitonia Mas". Keywords for mentors are coaching, counseling, analysis, implementation strategies, public relations, education, tutoring, encouragement, and enablement. In short, to inspire.
Business consultants, content site management, social network manager, SEO consultant, Marketing, Graphic design, Public Relations, Journalists are a few of examples of mentors’ fields of studies.
Yes! I want to become a mentor. What do I do?
A) Open the profile account in your neighborhood or region
B) Contact us by e-mail at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and label your request-Mentor.
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